Rihanna’s NFL performance was canceled at the Baltimore Ravens game on Thursday following the  release of a video showing ex-player Ray Rice knocking his fiancée unconscious.

The singer was herself the victim of a high-profile domestic violence incident back in 2009 when she was assaulted by her then boyfriend Chris Brown.

CBS’ Thursday Night Football, featuring the debut game of Pittsburgh Steelers at Baltimore, eliminated a track of Jay-Z’s, Run This Town, featuring Rihanna and Kanye West – along with other ‘high energy’ elements and a comedic stint, NFL officials said.

Rihaппa stepped oυt iп New York oп Thυrsday for Fashioп Week after her soпg was cυt from the opeпiпg of NFL Thυrsday Night Football followiпg the Ray Rice domestic violeпce iпcideпt