“As artists, we are forever suffering” – Lady Gaga

From a representative of a rebellious personality who was turned away by everyone, Lady Gaga has now become a great musical monument praised by the whole world .

After a week of monopolizing the top position on the Billboard chart, it is likely that the album A Star Is Born from Lady Gaga’s movie of the same name will continue to maintain its form.

Not stopping there, if A Star Is Born has a second week at No. 1, Lady Gaga will go down in world music history. Accordingly, she is the first singer to have two albums leading for two consecutive weeks on the Billboard 200 chart. In the past, Born This Way created a similar achievement.

Lady Gaga has surpassed Taylor Swift as the singer who has owned many albums holding the number 1 position on the Billboard 200 chart. Specifically, Lady Gaga has 5 albums at the top including: Born This Way (2011), Artpop ( 2013) Cheek To Cheek (2014), Joanne (2016) and A Star Is Born (2018).

An Ally comes out of real life

A Star Is Born is the first movie in which famous singer Lady Gaga plays the main role and immediately attracted attention. And this is also the first time actor Bradley Copper tries his hand at the role of director. It can be said that with A Star is Born , a movie star named Lady Gaga was born.

Star - Lady Gaga and her story that brings tears to millions of people around the world

The film revolves around the love story of country music artist Jackson Maine and Ally, a girl with a beautiful voice. Just when their relationship was immersed in sweetness, a challenge appeared. While Ally’s singing career is on the rise, her lover – the person who discovered her talent and helped her a lot – is struggling to find her glory again.

Lady Gaga was not the first choice for the main role of Ally – a superstar who always feels guilty and has low self-esteem. Even though she is a famous singer, Lady Gaga is still questioned about her acting ability.

Producers once wanted to give the main role to singer Beyoncé Knowles – a “safer” choice than Lady Gaga’s trademark unconventionality. But director and main actor Bradley Cooper firmly assigned this huge responsibility to Lady Gaga – a brand monstrous personality.

At the Coachella music festival and several shows in Boston (USA), Lady Gaga literally burned her heart out and asked the audience to shout Ally’s name. Later, those expensive scenes were used in the scenes of the movie A star is born.

Lady Gaga brought all of her singing life’s capital to the main character in her first movie.

And remaining in the audience’s enjoyment is the authenticity: From the journey to success to the pressures and discord that come with fame.

“Monster” dominates pop music

There were once a lot of people who couldn’t stand Lady Gaga’s songs, but the number of people who responded and admired the “monster girl’s” music products was thousands or millions of times greater than the number of people who didn’t like her.

Even though it was the first time enjoying Lady Gaga’s music and not a fan of the “monster princess”, her songs were still able to make a strong impression on music lovers.

As a child, Lady Gaga showed a special interest in music. The biggest idol in her life and endless source of inspiration is David Bowie.

Star - Lady Gaga and her story that brings tears to millions of people around the world (Figure 2).

Lady Gaga’s childhood photo.

Studying music academically, at the age of 13 she wrote her first piano concerto.

As an adult, she struggled in the musical environment because Lady Gaga’s rebellious music and eccentric style were “difficult to swallow” for most American listeners.

To nurture her dream, the 19-year-old girl accepted to sing at a nightclub for a cheap fee.

“I entered the profession like all other singers. I sang in every nightclub, sang with all my heart, sang with all the passion I had and I saw myself as an artist. I learned how to exist as an artist , living realistically, and learning how to fail to summarize and reshape my style today. And I also work very hard,” Lady Gaga once confided.

Success came to the talented female singer after her debut album The Fame was released in 2008 and her next two singles were Just dance and Poker face .

With her career on the rise, “Lady Gaga’s empire” is firmly established around the world.

Lady Gaga’s career is brighter with 6 prestigious Grammy awards and being voted one of the most influential figures in American music history.

Star - Lady Gaga and her story that brought tears to millions of people around the world (Figure 3).

Star - Lady Gaga and her story that brought tears to millions of people around the world (Figure 4).

With the album The Fame, Lady Gaga emerged and became one of the most famous pop stars of the 21st century.

Not everyone can “feel” the “monstrous” material in Lady Gaga’s people and products. However, we must seriously affirm Lady Gaga’s contributions imbued with contemporary meaning in all of her music products.

Social topics such as religion, gender, oppression, etc. are always thoroughly exploited in Lady Gaga’s music products. And most importantly, the difference of the “female monster” lies in the way of expression, thereby highlighting the message she wants to convey.

Lady Gaga’s success today is entirely thanks to her talent and passion for artistic work.

In addition to her unique musical personality, Lady Gaga is also especially remembered by the public for her “monstrous” style.

Lady Gaga is called an eccentric fashion icon. Her performance outfits always impress fans and stimulate incredible fashion creations.

Star - Lady Gaga and her story that brought tears to millions of people around the world (Figure 5).

Star - Lady Gaga and her story that brought tears to millions of people around the world (Figure 6).

Designer Martin de Koller commented: “Lady Gaga is a designer’s dream come true. She is willing to wear anything you desire to create but know that no one dares to wear on the street. Therefore, She is someone who always turns creative dreams into reality. No one dares to be as reckless as her.”

Childhood is shocking

Born and raised in New York City, from a young age, Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta was shunned, teased and ostracized by her friends for being “weird”.

Star - Lady Gaga and her story that brought tears to millions of people around the world (Figure 7).

At the age of 17, Lady Gaga became one of the few talented students who was granted early admission to Tisch School of the Arts – New York’s prestigious art university because of her natural artistic talent.

At 19 years old, the girl with a personality embracing her passion accepted the small salary from the nightclub to freely roam the stage with her unique musical personality.

But it was also during this time that Lady Gaga experienced a haunting tragedy, a pain she should never have had. Intrusive obsession.

That shock haunted her mind for a long time, causing the female singer to collapse both mentally and physically .

Star - Lady Gaga and her story that brought tears to millions of people around the world (Figure 8).

“As a victim who was sexually assaulted by someone in the entertainment industry, as a woman who still doesn’t have the courage to speak her name, as someone who has to live with chronic pain,” Lady Gaga keep everyone quiet.

“After being abused at the age of 19, I changed forever. A part of me had been extinguished for many years. So, I started running away until I really felt the physical pain.” quality. It hurts me. I was terribly hurt and had to console myself to keep moving forward, because I had to get out of my sadness. After being abused, I became a different person.

I kept to myself for many years, not daring to tell anyone about it. I avoided it. I feel embarrassed, even today, when I’m standing in front of everyone. There are days when I think it’s my fault. I I had to go to the doctor because I didn’t understand what was wrong with me.

And then, I was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder and body pain. Many people didn’t even think this disease was real, but I didn’t know what to say. more,” the A Star Is Born actor choked up.

Lady Gaga hid that secret in pain throughout her childhood, and it wasn’t until 2016, when Lady Gaga boldly shared it at the Oscars, that the singer’s family learned about it. That story brought tears to her eyes. of millions of people worldwide.

Besides wanting to focus on making art instead of wearing a flashy shell, Lady Gaga is actually going through a period of illness, depression and panic attacks.

At the age of 30, Lady Gaga began to suffer from fibromyalgia and seriously affected her career.

Star - Lady Gaga and her story that brought tears to millions of people around the world (Figure 9).

Lady Gaga is in pain from fibromyalgia.

The difficult-to-treat disease caused her pain and sadness for many years. The female singer was forced to continuously inject painkillers during performances.

Just at the beginning of 2018, Lady Gaga announced the cancellation of all shows for the year because her illness did not allow her to try any more.

In an interview with CBS last year, Lady Gaga choked up talking about the price of fame: “I was clearly aware that, once I entered this showbiz, I would no longer be free.”

Lady Gaga’s career path has never been filled with roses, but the pain and difficulties have turned into strength to help the “strange woman” rise stronger.