Who knew a single interview could catalyze such a dramatic combustion in the hot-blooded hip hop universe? Especially when the old feud between the towering figures of the rap industry – The Game and 50 Cent – is the subject on the table.

While The Game unfolded the narrative of his turbulent past with 50 Cent in this recent heart-to-heart, it was as if he’d pricked a dormant yet still-stinging wasp nest. His words seemed to hit a nerve in 50 Cent, igniting a fiery response from him. Far from being a low profile recluse, 50 Cent is renowned for his outspoken and confrontational nature. Almost like a predator sensing vulnerability, he pounced on the opportunity, unleashing a torrent of mockery towards his old foe.



Concertedly, with the power of social media at his fingertips, 50 Cent’s barbs were not confined to The Game’s music and career. He cracked the whip on The Game’s personhood, leaving no stone unturned. Tensions sparked, lighting up the digital universe with the spectacle of this simmering feud, reminding us all how old animosities still haunts the domain of rap.

Despite numerous attempts by both artists to move past this feud, 50 Cent proved he had no intention of subscribing to “forgive and forget”.


The avid hip hop followers who were hoping for a peaceful resolution recoiled as 50 Cent reiterated his unwillingness to bury the hatchet.


The saga of The Game and 50 Cent is an enduring echo in the industry. The present scenario only reaffirms the unwritten code – some rivalries, especially those in the rap world, never truly fade, but rather lie in wait for the right moment to explode back into life.