In a recent incident, reality TV star Kim Kardashian expressed her frustration towards blogger Tasha K for disclosing her alleged obsession with her ex-husband, rapper Kanye West. Kardashian was apparently angered by K’s revelation and took to social media to voice her concerns.

The famous celebrity, known for her appearances on the popular show “Keeping Up with the Kardashians,” went on a rant against K, accusing her of spreading false information. Kim Kardashian vehemently denied any obsession with her ex-husband and insisted that K was merely seeking attention by making baseless claims.

Kardashian highlighted her commitment to her new life and clarified that her attention was focused on her children and their well-being.


She stated that K’s actions were malicious and intended to tarnish her reputation.


The incident has once again brought attention to the impact of social media in celebrity culture. Kim Kardashian’s response on platforms such as Twitter demonstrates the power of these platforms for celebrities to defend themselves against false accusations.

This incident sheds light on the challenges faced by celebrities when it comes to maintaining privacy and combating the constant speculation surrounding their personal lives. Despite their fame, celebrities are entitled to their privacy and have the right to address any false information that may be damaging to their reputation.


Overall, this incident showcases Kim Kardashian’s determination to protect her image and reaffirms the importance of celebrity self-defense against false allegations circulated on social media.