For as famous as he was, much of the King of Pop’s life was shrouded in mystery. But perhaps no aspect of Michael Jackson’s dramatic story is more covered in question marks than his marriages and family life with children Prince Jackson, Paris Jackson, and BG Jackson. And Paris’s most recent acting role has only served to reignite long-held rumors: Is Michael Jackson his children’s biological father?


Theories about Michael Jackson’s marriages and the paternity of his kids have swirled for decades, but his daughter Paris Jackson’s role on the Amazon series “Swarm” has reignited the speculation. In a March 2023 episode, Paris Jackson’s character Haley tells the series’ main character, Andrea Green, that she is black, sparking shock from Andrea. Haley goes on to explain that her dad is half-black, which many took as a swipe at musician Halsey, known for her mixed-race heritage and advocacy.

The scene went viral, as many found the mention of Halsey ironic, given the ongoing speculation about Paris Jackson’s own racial identity and paternity. Paris and Prince’s mother, Debbie Rowe, publicly stated that Michael Jackson is not his children’s biological father. In a 2009 interview with a British tabloid, Rowe revealed details about their marriage, claiming she was artificially inseminated by an unknown donor and that she signed over parental rights to Jackson.

Actor Mark Lester has also claimed to be the biological father of Paris and Prince Jackson, alleging that he donated sperm to Michael Jackson before Rowe became pregnant. Despite these claims, there is no conclusive evidence regarding the paternity of Jackson’s children. Various individuals, including dermatologist Dr. Arne Klein and actor Macaulay Culkin, have been suggested as potential fathers.

Ultimately, the question of whether Michael Jackson is his children’s biological father may never be definitively answered. However, as Prince Jackson once stated, family is about more than genetics. Regardless of biological parentage, Jackson raised his children as his own, shaping their lives and identities. In the end, genetics may be less important than the bonds of love and upbringing that define a family.