In a recent article, Tina Knowles, the mother of singer Beyoncé, has accused Jay Z, her husband and renowned rapper, of exerting control over his wife by using drugs. Knowles claimed that Jay Z has been manipulating Beyoncé’s actions and decision-making through the use of drugs. She believes that he has been providing her with substances that alter her mental state, allowing him to influence her behavior and career choices.

Knowles expressed her concern about the impact this control has on Beyoncé’s overall well-being and artistic expression. She argued that her daughter is not allowed to make independent choices for herself and that her creativity and authenticity have been compromised.


Knowles strongly believes that Jay Z is solely responsible for Beyoncé’s recent music releases and that these songs do not reflect her true self.


It is important to note that these allegations by Knowles have not been supported by any concrete evidence. The article does not provide any specific instances of drug use or any statements from Beyoncé or Jay Z regarding these claims. Thus, it is crucial to approach these accusations with skepticism.


Regardless of the truth behind Knowles’ allegations, the article highlights the ongoing speculation and scrutiny surrounding the power dynamics within Beyoncé and Jay Z’s relationship.


It taps into the public fascination with celebrity marriages and the perceived control that male partners may exert over their female counterparts. Ultimately, this article sheds light on the idea that even successful and influential women like Beyoncé may face challenges in maintaining their autonomy and agency within their personal relationships.