5 years ago, Joyce Meyer made headlines when she boldly expressed her desire to get a tattoo, sparking curiosity and intrigue among her followers. She shared her decision with her congregation, explaining that after much contemplation, she had adorned herself with ink.

Meyer proudly displayed her new tattoo, a cross on her shoulder with the words “I belong to Jesus,” along with the word “love” on her foot as a reminder to walk in love.

However, Pastor Gino Jennings vehemently opposes such actions, citing biblical teachings that deem tattooing as morally wrong. He passionately preaches against the act of tattooing, urging listeners to heed the wisdom of scripture and refrain from permanently marking their skin. Jennings emphasizes Leviticus 19:28, which prohibits making cuttings in the flesh or printing any marks upon oneself, interpreting it as a clear directive against tattooing.

Gino Jennings Condemns Joyce Meyer After She Publicly Confesses Her Darkest  Secret! - YouTube

Furthermore, Jennings extends his fervent preaching to the role of women in the church, staunchly advocating against women assuming preaching roles. He draws from passages like 1 Timothy 2:12, which states that women should not teach or have authority over men, to assert that women preaching goes against the divine order established by God.

Jennings criticizes individuals like Joyce Meyer for their actions, expressing concern that they may lead others astray from the path of salvation by disregarding biblical principles. He warns of the spiritual consequences of misleading teachings and behaviors, urging believers to carefully evaluate the teachings of spiritual leaders in light of scripture.

In conclusion, Jennings’ fervent preaching against tattooing and women assuming preaching roles reflects his unwavering commitment to upholding biblical truth. He calls for adherence to scripture and warns against the normalization of behaviors that contradict biblical teachings, emphasizing the importance of discernment and spiritual accountability within the Christian community.