In a recent revelation that has reignited an old feud, Katt Williams has come forward to shed light on the incident involving Wanda Smith, shedding new light on the infamous altercation that rocked the internet over five years ago.

The incident, which occurred during an interview on W Smith’s show in 2018, initially seemed like a standard comedic exchange. However, according to Williams, there was a pre-interview agreement that certain controversial topics would be off-limits. Williams claims that Smith assured him the conversation would focus solely on his recent Emmy win, but upon entering the studio, the tone shifted dramatically.

Katt Williams MOCKS Wanda Smith's DOWNFALL & CLAIMS She's To Blame! -  YouTube

Williams alleges that Smith went back on her word and attempted to catch him off guard with personal attacks and probing questions. In response, Williams did not hold back, asserting his dominance as a comedian and refusing to be undermined. He vehemently denied allegations and insinuations, maintaining his composure while delivering cutting retorts to Smith’s jabs.

The incident, largely overshadowed at the time, has resurfaced thanks to Williams’ recent comments, shedding new light on the dynamics of power and respect within the entertainment industry. Williams’ refusal to be silenced or disrespected underscores the importance of standing firm in the face of adversity and refusing to compromise one’s integrity for the sake of entertainment.

In the aftermath of the incident, Smith lost her job, prompting speculation about the repercussions of her actions. While some may view Williams’ behavior as harsh or confrontational, others see it as a necessary assertion of his boundaries and refusal to be mistreated.

Katt Williams REVEALS How Wanda Smith Was HIRED To TAKE HIM DOWN - YouTube

Ultimately, the renewed attention on this feud serves as a reminder of the complexities of navigating fame, power, and personal integrity in the entertainment industry. As the conversation continues, it remains to be seen how Williams’ revelations will impact perceptions of the incident and attitudes towards professionalism in the world of comedy.