‘Of course they want to silence her’: Katt Williams SPEAKS On Wendy Williams Being Kidnapped | He WARNED Us

Y’all this situation with Wendy Williams is seriously terrifying and it looks like Katt Williams, Dave Chappelle, Kanye and all those other people who tried to warn us what happens when celebs step out of line were right all along…

So there are rumors going around that Wendy is being held hostage by the people who put her under financial guardianship and this new documentary that came out was allegedly part of their tactic to convince the public Wendy is unstable and needs a guardian…

Now, no one is denying that Wendy has had her struggles over the years…however, what’s crazy to me is that her bank Wells Fargo froze her assets before they had proof she was incapacitated, and then for Wendy to be diagnosed with dementia tow years later feels like they’re playing in our face for real…

Katt Williams CONFIRMS Surprising Rumors Regarding Wendy Williams - YouTube

The situation surrounding Wendy Williams has taken a concerning turn, with speculation and allegations of her being held hostage by those who put her under financial guardianship. The controversy began when Wells Fargo froze Wendy’s assets, claiming she was incapacitated, leading to a court-appointed financial guardian. This move coincided with the airing of a Lifetime documentary about Wendy’s life.

Fans have raised questions about the timing of Wendy’s dementia diagnosis, which came after her bank’s actions. Wendy’s family, particularly her son Kevin Jr., expressed concerns about people in her team encouraging her to drink alcohol and allegedly taking advantage of her during vulnerable moments. Wendy herself accused her former financial adviser, Lori Schiller, and Wells Fargo of conspiring against her.

Wendy’s lawyer and family members dispute the guardianship, suggesting ulterior motives. Kevin Jr. asserted that Wendy’s team pressured her to sign contracts during or after rehab, exploiting her vulnerable state. Some fans draw parallels between Wendy’s situation and Britney Spears’ conservatorship, highlighting the potential abuse of power and manipulation.

The controversy deepened with Wendy’s diagnosis of Aphasia and frontal temporal dementia. Fans question the authenticity of her condition, pointing to a recorded conversation where Wendy appeared coherent. Some speculate that Wendy’s Guardian filed a lawsuit against Lifetime to divert attention.

Comparisons are drawn to other celebrities, like Britney Spears and Kanye West, who shared experiences of being wrongly diagnosed and prescribed high doses of medication. Dave Chappelle also revealed pressure to take antipsychotic medication after rejecting a $50 million deal from Comedy Central.

Cat Williams claimed to have tried warning about individuals like R Kelly, Harvey Weinstein, and Diddy years before their controversies surfaced but was threatened into silence.

Fans fear Wendy is being slowly silenced for her outspokenness and collecting information on powerful figures in Hollywood. Allegations of isolation, freezing her bank account, and appointing a stranger as her legal guardian add to the concerns.

Katt Williams slams self-driving cars & calls Rolls Royce a ‘sacred place’ as Joe Rogan explores dark future for drivers

COMEDIAN Katt Williams and Joe Rogan painted a dark picture of the future of driving in a wild podcast episode on Thursday.

Williams, 52, joined the Joe Rogan Experience and gave his thoughts on the move toward driverless cars while calling vehicles that he currently drives his “sacred place.”

Katt Williams shared his love of driving on the Joe Rogan podcast on Thursday

Katt Williams shared his love of driving on the Joe Rogan podcast on ThursdayCredit: Joe Rogan Experience

The actor and comedian agreed with Joe Rogan that automated vehicles could be the norm in 100 years

The actor and comedian agreed with Joe Rogan that automated vehicles could be the norm in 100 yearsCredit: Joe Rogan Experience

Williams said he has owned several Rolls Royces, including an electric Spectre

Williams said he has owned several Rolls Royces, including an electric SpectreCredit: James Lipman
On the podcast episode, Rogan was quick to bring up Williams’ all-electric Rolls-Royce Spectre worth $450,000.

Rogan gushed over the car, insisting, “That thing is insane.”

“Just the way the doors open up, the way the doors close when you touch the brakes, totally silent,” he said.

Williams admitted that for the price point, “it would have to be perfect,” adding, “the whole thing is, it is.”

“That’s what you’re trying to do in any genre,” he said.

“You’re trying to find that thing that thing that is flawless in any genre. And that’s it.”

Rogan then revealed that he’s never owned a Rolls-Royce, while Williams said he’d had four or five.

Williams said it made sense that Rogan hadn’t bought a Rolls-Royce, as it’s important to Rogan to stay “grounded in the important ways.”

They then went back and forth about some of their favorite cars and why driving them is so special.

Williams said, “We live vicariously through these things and it’s been that way for all of humankind.

“It was still like that for the Roman and his chariot.”

Rogan said the “only object” that he is really into is “mechanical vehicles.”

“I love looking at them, I love sitting in them, I love driving them,” he said.

While noting that money can’t make you happy, Rogan said that “if you’re already reasonably happy and you can afford a nice muscle car, god damn you’ll feel happier.”

“Every time,” Williams agreed. “You feel like that character in that movie.”

“It’s a sacred, scared place,” he said. “There’s music there, there’s recklessness, but there’s safety.

“You know, it’s like it gets to the essence of a being.”

The conversation then turned to the future of driving, including the darker possibilities that could come with innovation.

Rogan said he believed that all cars could be autonomous, meaning self-driving, in 100 years, changing the auto industry and driving experience as we know it.

“It’s a thing that won’t exist 100 years from now,” he said of getting behind the wheel and driving a car yourself.

“I think automated driving will be mandatory. I really do. I think we are about 100 years away.

“100 years away from no personal automobiles, no control over your vehicle.”

Rogan said that advocates for autonomous driving often boast that self-driving cars will “stop all crashes” and prevent “all highway deaths” in the future.

Williams chimed in, agreeing that automated cars “will be mandatory.”

“But for practical reasons,” he said. “Like this thing where the police want you and they have to chase you and you may get away.

“Those days are done.

“Your car is going to do what they tell it to do, which is get behind this patrol car and follow us to the station.”

Rogan has shared his love for vehicles in the past, recently chatting with Elon Musk about Tesla’s new Cybertruck.

He labeled the bulletproof vehicle “the coolest looking production car ever made,” even shooting an arrow at one of the Teslas to show its durability.

The Cybertruck “flattened the tip of the arrow,” Rogan said on his podcast.

He also said the 545-grain arrow “barely scratched” the Cybertruck, leaving only a minor dent.