“The texture is Play-Doh, but I will say this to you right now, man-to-man—I like that,” the former The Voice Coach told Fallon about his favorite.

Grab your chopsticks and pour a splash of soy sauce, because Blake Shelton and Jimmy Fallon’s sushi date is going to make you hungry.

The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon Host took Blake Shelton to Nobu, the world-famous Japanese restaurant, back in May 2016. The sushi session was to promote the former The Voice Coach’s If I’m Honest album, and the always-humorous Shelton has no problem sharing his true feelings during their meal.

“Blake, I can’t believe this is true, but you’ve never tried sushi before,” Fallon says before the two sat down.

“Not the raw stuff, no,” replies the Oklahoma native, somewhat confused.

The multi-course meal starts off with saké, which is fermented rice wine, as Fallon explains to the “Purple Irises” singer. While raising his glass, Fallon cheers, “Here’s to best friends. Tonight is kind of special.”

“Why are you doing this?” asks a suspicious Shelton.

“Because I love you, that’s all. We’re gonna have fun,” answers The Tonight Show Host before they swallow their shots.

Shelton seems skeptical of the saké at first (or maybe it was Fallon’s pronouncement that they’re besties?). Yet he clearly acquires a taste for the beverage, because he keeps asking for more throughout the meal.

As the first sushi rolls come out, Shelton points to one saying, “That right there looks like a human tongue.”

Blake Shelton and host Jimmy Fallon eat sushi during the "Jimmy Makes Blake Try Sushi" bit on May 24, 2016.

Blake Shelton and host Jimmy Fallon eat sushi during the “Jimmy Makes Blake Try Sushi” bit on May 24, 2016. Photo: Andrew Lipovsky/NBC

Watch Blake Shelton try sushi for the first time with Jimmy Fallon

Despite his pickiness about its appearance, he tries the sushi and confesses to Fallon, “The texture is Play-Doh, but I will say this to you right now, man-to-man—I like that.” He said he did not care for the yellowtail roll, however. Baby steps!

The courses continue with Sashimi, Shitasu (fried bait), and Botan Ebi (jumbo prawn). The saké and beer keep flowing, but it doesn’t get to Day Drinking With Seth Meyers levels. Fallon does get a little silly at one point, wearing some pickled ginger as a mustache.

The meal almost takes a messy turn when Uni (sea urchin) shots are brought to the table.

“What are you going to do? Are you going to chew it or swallow the whole thing down?” asks an apprehensive Fallon, holding the shot glass.


“I’m going to pretend like this isn’t happening,” answers Shelton, before he throws back the shot in one gulp. Fallon follows suit, but struggles and grabs a napkin in case any of the sea urchin doesn’t stay down.

Sensing that Shelton might have hit his sushi limit, Fallon has a surprise before the final course. No spoilers, but let’s just say that Shelton is lovin’ it.

We don’t know about you, but suddenly we’re craving sushi—and wouldn’t say no to some saké, either.