RONDA ROUSEY has given the strongest hint yet that her career could be over after begging for ‘time to reflect’ following her knockout at the hands of Amanda Nunes.

Rousey lasted just 48 seconds in the octagon against the Brazilian before being sent crashing to the canvas last Friday night.

 Ronda Rousey was knocked out by Amanda Nunes after just 48 seconds

Ronda Rousey was knocked out by Amanda Nunes after just 48 secondsCredit: Usa Today Sports
And now she has released a statement indicating her future, which already hangs in the balance, could be up altogether after a period of reflection.

She said: “I want to say thank you to all of my fans who have been there for me in not only the greatest moments but in the most difficult ones.

“Words cannot convey how much your love and support means to me.

“Returning to not just fighting, but winning, was my entire focus this past year.

“However, sometimes – even when you prepare and give everything you have and want something so badly – it doesn’t work out how you planned.

“I take pride in seeing how far the women’s division has come in the UFC and commend all the other women who have been part of making this possible, including Amanda [Nunes].

“I need to take some time to reflect and think about the future. Thank you for believing in me and understanding.”

Rousey’s mother has also defended her daughter after she was beaten and then tormented by Amanda Nunes. 

 Rousey with her mother AnnMaria De Mars

Rousey with her mother AnnMaria De MarsCredit: Getty Images

 Rousey reacts following her TKO defeat against Amanda Nunes

Rousey reacts following her TKO defeat against Amanda NunesCredit: Usa Today Sports
As reported by the Daily Mail Rosuey’s mum AnnMaria De Mars wrote on her blog: ”All of those who have criticised Ronda for taking a loss to heart, for not just ‘shrugging it off” don’t understand that what made Ronda so successful is that she cares deeply about winning to an extent that I don’t believe the average person can wrap his/her head around.

”Caring deeply about something and working your hardest to achieve it doesn’t mean you make the right decisions 100 per cent of the time. Wouldn’t it be a nicer world?

”Those of you who want to criticise Ronda, I just want to point out a few things. First of all, I know her better than you and she is a smart, kind, talented, generous, hard-working person.”



De Mars then wrote about her daughter’s achievements as she tried to ram home the message that Rousey should not be ridiculed for the defeat by anyone, most of all her Nunes who showed to be disrespectful when she posted an edited photo on Twitter mocking Rousey.

It showed the former champion crying like a baby in a push chair. The post was uploaded shortly after Nunes had humiliated Rousey.

She went on to write: ”Let me suggest that someone who has been a world level athlete in two sports, written a best seller, acted in movies and made millions of dollars, all before the age of 30 has a pretty darn good track record.

”On top of that, Ronda has been part of the USADA drug testing since she was 16 years old, never failed a drug test.

”I am very proud of my daughter. As my other wonderful daughter, Maria, told her: ”We love you just as much 10 minutes after every fight as we did in the 10 minutes before.”

Der Mars moved on to where her daughters career goes from here with her wanting Rousey to quit UFC now after the damaging defeat.

”I think making snap decisions like that is probably not the best idea, so I don’t know, but I would like to see her retire.”