When love turned into hatred, many stars encountered trouble from their lovers.

Artists are like normal people, when they love each other they freely share happy moments. 

However, if it accidentally breaks down, this will be an “expensive” topic in the newspaper. 

Taking advantage of this, many people want to ruin their lover’s career with sensitive videos and spread false rumors.

Jennifer Lopez

Known as the diva of the Latin music industry with her powerful voice and beautiful beauty. 

Her career flourished, but her love life was quite difficult. For a long time, she had a headache with troubles from her first husband Ojani Noa. 

To take revenge on the female diva, this person has many times released sensitive clips, sex photos… and then sold them to record companies. 

Even though she signed a commitment not to violate her privacy, Ojani Noa still intentionally broke it. Even wrote a book about his marriage with Jennifer Lopez. Thanks to the intervention of lawyers and the law , these bad acts were quickly stopped.

Hollywood stars took cruel revenge after the breakup: Jennifer Lopez was exposed to a sensitive clip by her ex-husband - Picture 1

“We will produce a DVD, in which, in addition to the cuddling scenes, there will also be many scenes of J.Lo wearing skimpy clothes and behaving provocatively in front of the camera. 

Most of the disc’s content is footage filmed at the hotel where they enjoyed their honeymoon,” a source close to Ojani Noa revealed to the media.

Hollywood stars took cruel revenge after the breakup: Jennifer Lopez was exposed to a sensitive clip by her ex-husband - Picture 2

Dating a series of handsome men and experiencing 3 broken marriages, the U50 female singer is currently in a peaceful relationship with baseball star Alex Rodriguez. The two have been dating since early 2017 and are preparing for the upcoming wedding.

Hollywood stars took cruel revenge after the breakup: Jennifer Lopez was exposed to a sensitive clip by her ex-husband - Picture 3

Hollywood stars took cruel revenge after the breakup: Jennifer Lopez was exposed to a sensitive clip by her ex-husband - Picture 4

Paris Hilton

Even though 20 years have passed, the sex tape leak incident is still an obsession for promiscuous TV star Paris Hilton. 

This is the “gift” that Rick Salomon’s first love left for the rich lady. Paris Hilton confided: “It was really my first serious relationship. At that time I was only 18, I loved him very much and just wanted to make him happy.”

Hollywood stars took cruel revenge after the breakup: Jennifer Lopez was exposed to a sensitive clip by her ex-husband - Picture 5

The Hilton hotel heir confided: “Those were private moments for a teenage girl, but everyone watched them, talked and laughed. There’s nothing funny here.”

Without learning from the incident, in 2010, another clip of clouds and rain allegedly posted on social networks by Doug Reinhardt – who dated Paris for 18 months . 

Because of these things, she suffered harsh attacks from public opinion.

Hollywood stars took cruel revenge after the breakup: Jennifer Lopez was exposed to a sensitive clip by her ex-husband - Picture 6

Hollywood stars took cruel revenge after the breakup: Jennifer Lopez was exposed to a sensitive clip by her ex-husband - Picture 7

Hollywood stars took cruel revenge after the breakup: Jennifer Lopez was exposed to a sensitive clip by her ex-husband - Picture 8

Hollywood stars took cruel revenge after the breakup: Jennifer Lopez was exposed to a sensitive clip by her ex-husband - Picture 9

Naomi Capell

Speaking of big sister Naomi Campbell, the fashion industry’s “black panther” supermodel is famous for her strong steps and personality. 

Behind the scenes, her name is also extremely powerful and has a certain influence on famous fashion houses. Obviously, making enemies with “black panthers” will not have a good outcome.

Hollywood stars took cruel revenge after the breakup: Jennifer Lopez was exposed to a sensitive clip by her ex-husband - Picture 10

In 2011, Miss China Luo Zilin ( Luo Zilin ) ​​became Naomi Campbell’s favorite when she enrolled in the American version of The Face. In particular, with the guidance of the supermodel, La Tu Lam gradually won the runner-up position and gradually joined the entertainment world.

Hollywood stars took cruel revenge after the breakup: Jennifer Lopez was exposed to a sensitive clip by her ex-husband - Picture 11

Not only did he not repay his teacher’s gratitude, La Tu Lam started to develop the habit of “eating porridge and kicking bowls”, blatantly dating Naomi Campbell’s millionaire boyfriend.

 With power in her hands, the U50 supermodel silently overthrew all shows and advertising photo shoots.

 The famous model management company MIX Model Management NYC fired the Miss for “lack of professionalism and unacceptable violation of professional ethics”.

Hollywood stars took cruel revenge after the breakup: Jennifer Lopez was exposed to a sensitive clip by her ex-husband - Picture 12

No job, reputation affected. Her love affair with Russian millionaire Vladimir Doronin also quickly broke up. La Tu Lam quietly returned to the country amid the boycott and contempt of the Chinese audience.

Hollywood stars took cruel revenge after the breakup: Jennifer Lopez was exposed to a sensitive clip by her ex-husband - Picture 13

Hollywood stars took cruel revenge after the breakup: Jennifer Lopez was exposed to a sensitive clip by her ex-husband - Picture 14

Hollywood stars took cruel revenge after the breakup: Jennifer Lopez was exposed to a sensitive clip by her ex-husband - Picture 15

Hollywood stars took cruel revenge after the breakup: Jennifer Lopez was exposed to a sensitive clip by her ex-husband - Picture 16