It was one of the most powerful moments of the night: Lady Gaga took the stage to perform her Oscar-nominated song “‘Til It Happens to You,” the song she co-wrote for The Hunting Ground.

She was introduced by Vice President Joe Biden, who took the time to remind everyone that survivors of sexual assault are not to be blamed for the violence done against them.

“”We must and we can change the culture so that no woman or man has to ask, ‘what did I do?'” he said. He also asked the audience and everyone watching to “take the pledge. A pledge that says, ‘I will intervene in situations where consent cannot or has not been given.’ Let’s change the culture.”

Gaga’s performance was just as powerful as the Vice President’s words. A survivor of assault herself, she sang with the kind of power and emotion that cannot be feigned, and brought other survivors to join her on stage.

They all had words written on their arms, including “not my fault.” It was a poignant moment, and one that will undoubtedly mean so much to any survivor watching.