Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth’s marriage has been a crazy roller coaster ride and a notorious example of what commoners expect of celebrity romance.

But while the world only knows about their ugly divorce, there were far greater and worse tragedies that happened to Miley Cyrus prior to her divorce or marriage disruption.

Revealing during her appearance on the Howard Stern Show, Cyrus recalled a tragedy with Hemsworth that affected and permanently changed her voice.

Miley Cyrus' Flowers

Miley Cyrus Lost Her House and Her Voice After the Malibu Fires

Although Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth often make headlines for their tumultuous marriage and notorious divorce, outlets often miss out on significant details and other damaging tragedies that happened in their life. To throw some light on one such detrimental damage that actually brought the duo together in the first place, Cyrus opened up about the Malibu fires.

Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth in The Last Song (2010)

Appearing on the Howard Stern Show, the Grammy-winning singer Miley Cyrus recalled losing her house and priceless items after the Malibu fires. The singer further revealed how she not only lost tangible things but also got permanently affected by the trauma that damaged her voice. While explaining what she went through due to the sudden fire, Cyrus credited the calamity for her marriage with Liam Hemsworth.

“We were together since 16. Our house burned down. We had been like, engaged—I don’t know if we really ever thought we were actually going to get married, but when we lost our house in Malibu—which if you listen to my voice pre- and post-fire, they’re very different so that trauma really affected my voice.”

That trauma really affected my voice": A Very Personal Tragedy With Liam Hemsworth Permanently Changed Miley Cyrus' Voice, Happened Way Before Her Ugly Divorce

“I was actually in South Africa, so I couldn’t come home, and like, my animals were tied to a post at the beach. I lost everything. I had polaroids of Elvis, like front row, passed on from… I had so much and it was all gone, every song I had ever written was in that house. Every photograph of me that my parents had given to me, all my scripts, I lost everything.”

Revealing how the trauma damaged and permanently changed her voice, Miley Cyrus recalled clinging onto Liam Hemsworth as her survival partner after losing her all in the Malibu fires.

Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth Tied the Knot After the Tragedy

Speaking about the tragic incident during her appearance on the Howard Stern Show, Miley Cyrus informed her listeners how Liam Hemsworth saved all her animals (horses, cats, pigs, and more) from the fire. While narrating the incident, Cyrus noted how Hemsworth’s thoughtful and decent side made her fall in love with him more.

That trauma really affected my voice": A Very Personal Tragedy With Liam Hemsworth Permanently Changed Miley Cyrus' Voice, Happened Way Before Her Ugly Divorce

However, Liam Hemsworth’s generosity wasn’t all that drove Miley Cyrus to marry him. According to the Grammy winner, she was actually trying to cling onto what she had left off that house after the fire – which was her relationship. Opening up during the podcast, Cyrus implied marrying Hemsworth in a rush, for she was trying to hold onto the things that were left.

“In trying to put [everything] back together, instead of going, ‘Oh, nature kind of did something I couldn’t do for myself; it forced me to let go,’ I ran toward the fire… a lot of animals do this and end up dying like deers run into the forest. You’re attracted to that heat and me being an intense person and not wanting to sit with it, and not wanting to go… I just clung to what I had left of that house, which was me and him.”

Discussing how rushing into her marriage with Liam Hemsworth after the Malibu fire destroyed it all, Miley Cyrus noted loving her ex-husband, irrespective of everything. Concluding her conversation by revealing how she lost her house, her important items, her songs, even her voice, and gradually her marriage after the fire, Cyrus highlighted the tragedies that shaped her.

Krittika is a News Writer at FandomWire with 2 years of prior experience in lifestyle and web content writing. With her previous works available on HubPages and Medium, she has woven over 1000 stories with us, about fan-favorite actors, movies, and shows. Post-graduate in Journalism and Honors-graduate in English Literature, when this art enthusiast isn’t crafting your next favorite article, she finds her escapism in coffee, fiction, and the Wizarding World.