Rihanna Finally Reveals Jay Z ‘GAVE HER HERPES’ And Not Chris Brown.This explosive revelation has caused a STIR in the music industry and has led to widespread backlash .

In a recent interview, Rihanna revealed shocking details about her past relationships and health. She claimed that Jay Z gave her herpes, and not her ex-boyfriend Chris Brown as previously assumed. This explosive revelation has caused a stir in the music industry and has led to widespread backlash against Jay Z. Many are questioning why Rihanna chose to speak out now and what her motivations might be. Some speculate that she is simply seeking revenge on Jay Z, who she has had a contentious relationship with in the past. Others believe that she is trying to raise awareness about the dangers of unprotected sex and the prevalence of sexually transmitted infections in the entertainment industry. Whatever her intentions may be, there is no denying that Rihanna’s confession has once again put her in the spotlight and has added another layer of controversy to her already tumultuous career.