With The Rock’s specific movie schedule in 2024, there are limited options for WWE when it comes to his storyline. What might they have planned?

The Rock Roman Reigns WWE promo

The Rock won’t face Roman Reigns at WrestleMania due to movie filming from May to August, limiting WWE appearances and physicality.
The Saudi Arabia show in May might not feature The Rock vs. Roman Reigns as initially speculated, possibly saving it for a later event.
WrestleMania won’t see The Rock winning the Universal Title, giving WWE a short window to set up future storylines before his absence.

The Rock Helps WWE SmackDown Reach Major Milestone - WrestleTalk

Now that The Rock isn’t facing Roman Reigns at this year’s WrestleMania, there’s a lot of talk about when that actual match will happen.

It’s been reported that The Rock versus Roman Reign is the eventual end goal for this current Bloodline storyline, but new information about The Rock’s Hollywood schedule may have shed some light on what won’t be happening.

According to one source, Dwayne Johnson is filming a movie for a good chunk of the spring and summer, meaning he won’t be able to wrestle. PWInsider is reporting that The Rock will be out of action in WWE from May 1st until August 1st to film a movie.

If true, that means he won’t be doing anything physical for WWE during that period. Insurance on movie productions limits the amount of outside physicality, which would specifically exclude The Rock from having a match in which he could get injured and shut down production.


They also report that would take him out of the running for the Saudi Arabia show in May. This is important because there was some talk that WWE might move The Rock vs.

Roman Reigns to a Saudi show as the big ticket draw for that event.

However, because WWE holds two Saudi shows a year, so it’s possible he could be wrestling at the latter show.

The Rock Roman Reigns SmackDown
WWE Has Huge Plans For The Rock And Roman Reigns After WrestleMania 40

WrestleMania 40 won’t be the end of the storyline between The Rock and Roman Reigns, notes a report that says something big is coming.

There are a few things that fans can take away from this. First, with WrestleMania in April, there’s no big swerve happening that would involve The Rock winning the WWE Universal Title. In fact, even if the match hadn’t been changed from The Rock vs.

Roman Reigns to Reigns vs. Cody Rhodes, it seems unlikely The Rock would have walked away the champion considering he wouldn’t have been able to defend the title for months.

Second, it gives WWE about three weeks to set up whatever future storyline The Rock and Roman Reigns will have before Johnson likely takes off from WWE.

Filming a movie doesn’t mean The Rock can’t make an appearance or be somewhat involved in the narrative, but because he can’t wrestle, there’s no real way to pay anything off.

What Direction Might WWE Take This?

One has to wonder if a big angle will be set up after WrestleMania that will write The Rock off of programming for a while. That could mean Roman turning on The Rock or some other creative way to excuse from regular programming for about three months. The plan might be to set up something for SummerSlam.