Liam Neeson’s interview on The View wasn’t what he expected, in large part thanks to Joy Behar’s conduct.

Liam Neeson The View
The Things

Interviews can get completely derailed in an instant. That was the case recently with Michael B. Jordan, as he realized the person interviewing him on the red carpet was a former bully. It made for quite the awkward scenario.

We saw another example of an interview getting derailed when Russell Brand sat down on Morning Joe. Unlike Neeson, Brand spoke his mind during the interview and put the hosts on blast for the interview.

Not only did they mess up his name, but they also kept referring to him as ‘he’, despite the fact that he was in studio and present for the conversation.

In Liam Neeson’s case on The View, he kept things cool, despite the fact that the interview wasn’t what he expected. We’ll take a look at why Neeson wasn’t pleased with the chat.

Fans seem to agree and in truth, it wasn’t the only time Joy Behar derailed a conversation.

Liam Neeson Spoke Out Against His Interview On The View, Calling The Experience ‘Uncomfortable’

Liam Neeson and Joy Beharvia YouTube

Given the topics that take place on The View, Liam Neeson was excited to tackle hard hitting questions, that don’t have anything to do with himself.

However, he quickly learned that wouldn’t be the case during his February 15th interview.

Neeson described his experience as ‘uncomfortable’, and not what he had expected.

Neeson did mention that things started off on a positive note.

“I was in the dressing room drinking a cup of tea, turned the TV up, and I thought, oh, this will be great. They’re talking about gun violence in America, and I agree that it’s an American problem,” he told Rolling Stone.

“I go onstage and join the ladies during the break, and I was congratulating them on this discussion.”

However, the mood was completely different once Neeson made his way to the stage.

“And then our segment starts and it’s just all this BS with Joy [Behar] and Liam Neeson and having a crush, and I’ve known Whoopi for years and Joy a little bit, but I just wasn’t impressed. I’m uncomfortable in those situations, you know?”

Neeson revealed it just wasn’t what he anticipated, “But then the segment’s all about this — oof —thirteen, fourteen-year-old crush. It’s just a bit embarrassing,” he added.

It seems like Joy Behar was the one who was adamant on revealing her crush towards Neeson. Behar herself would reveal that they chatted about Neeson a little too much during the interview.

Ultimately, it was a forgettable conversation and fans seem to agree that The View whiffed on a big opportunity.

Fans Agreed With Liam Neeson’s Take On The Interview Being Inappropriate


It was clear, as fans were siding with Neeson after the interview went viral. For the most part, fans on YouTube stated that had the tables turned, Neeson would be in a lot of trouble.

The fan wrote, “If Liam Neeson had turned to one of the other ladies and said, “every time I watch you on the show, I get aroused,” he would be facing a sexual harassment outcry.”

The fan continues, “If you are a woman and say he is overreacting, and dismiss what Behar said about being aroused, you are OK with a male doing that to any woman out there.

Do not get upset about the males looking at women in gyms because, they could be “getting aroused” and that is OK, since it is OK for Behar to do it.”

Other comments state that it was obvious Neeson was uncomfortable, and that the hosts should have recognized this and switched the topic of conversation.

“His body language… crossed arms indicating he surely wanted that to stop already.” Another fan writes, “He crossed his arms meaning he felt uncomfortable and defensive. The View should be ashamed of themselves.”

Joy Behar was the one receiving the most heat. In truth, it wasn’t the only time one of her interviews went sideways.

Joy Behar Has Had Other Questionable Interviews In The Past

Gene Simmons, Shannon Tweed and Joy BeharThe Things

Joy Behar is no stranger to uncomfortable interviews. Back when she was hosting her own show, Behar’s inappropriate line of questioning caused Shannon Tweed to walk out her interview.

For whatever reason, Behar decided to play a video showing her chat with Alice Cooper, as the two discussed all the women Simmons had been with.

Behar would only add fuel to the fire, telling Gene, “How’s your back Gene?” To which Gene responds, “My back is good, my smeckle not so much.”

Gene himself would admit that the setup from Behar was awful. “Thanks for the question, you did the entire setup.”

Despite Tweed walking out of the interview, Behar continued to press Simmons. “It’s possible Gene that she’s done with you, how do you feel about that?”

Without a doubt, it wasn’t Behar’s best moment.