Travis Barker, the renowned drummer, shared his 10 essentials, giving us insight into his personal preferences and lifestyle. Let’s delve into each item:

10 Things Travis Barker Can't Live Without | GQ - YouTube

Firstly, Barker cherishes his wedding ring, symbolizing his commitment to his partner. He prefers simplicity, with a row of diamonds on a silver or white gold band. Unlike his wife’s more extravagant ring, Barker opts for something understated yet meaningful, suitable for everyday wear.

Next up are his drumsticks, an indispensable tool for any drummer. Barker’s attachment to them is evident as he carries them everywhere, ensuring he can practice anytime, anywhere. Modeled after SD1 Generals, these sticks are a constant companion, essential for maintaining his drumming prowess.

Barker’s affinity for accessories extends to his necklace, a unique piece he wears regularly. Its distinctive design sets it apart, adding a touch of individuality to his attire. Given to him by someone who recognized his admiration for it, the necklace holds sentimental value, accompanying him on his journeys.10 Things Travis Barker Can't Live Without For 'GQ' - SOUND IN THE SIGNALS

Incense holds a special place in Barker’s life, particularly Incense of the West, with its captivating pinon scent reminiscent of a wood-burning fireplace. He incorporates it into his daily routine, creating a welcoming atmosphere wherever he goes. Its aromatic allure often prompts inquiries from visitors, further highlighting its significance.

Concrete After Lightning, one of Barker’s favorite candles, fills his surroundings with its enticing fragrance. Its long-lasting nature ensures prolonged enjoyment, making it a staple in his collection. With its musky aroma, it adds character to any space, reflecting Barker’s discerning taste in scents.

A collaboration between Barker’s company, DTA, and Thierry Lasry, the Master Mindy sunglasses epitomize his style and functionality preferences. Their unique design, reminiscent of Locs glasses, resonates with Barker, who considers them his favorite pair. Their versatility makes them suitable for everyday wear, embodying Barker’s signature look.

Barker’s commitment to skincare led him to create Barker Wellness, offering cruelty-free, non-toxic, and vegan products. The two-in-one face cleanser and mask reflect his dedication to simplicity and ethical practices, catering to both men and women seeking clean, nourishing skincare solutions.

Despite initial reservations, Barker embraces Bluetooth headphones for their convenience and performance. Their seamless connectivity and noise-canceling capabilities make them ideal for his lifestyle, whether practicing, traveling, or enjoying downtime. Their reliability and versatility make them a constant companion in his daily activities.Travis Barker talks the 10 Things He Can't Live Without |

Lastly, Barker’s phone serves as a multifunctional tool, aiding him in various aspects of his life. From practicing with metronome apps to discovering new music through streaming services, his phone facilitates his creative endeavors. Additionally, apps like HappyCow help him find vegan dining options worldwide, reflecting his commitment to a plant-based lifestyle.

In conclusion, Travis Barker’s 10 essentials offer a glimpse into his life, showcasing his preferences, values, and creative pursuits. From his dedication to drumming to his commitment to ethical skincare and veganism, each item reflects aspects of his personality and lifestyle.