The final season of Keeping Up With the Kardashians marked the end of an era, spanning 20 seasons of familial drama, laughter, and growth. In a recent interview, Kim Kardashian reflected on the journey of the show, from its unexpected longevity to the emotional decision to bring it to a close.At Home With Kim Kardashian - The End of An Era

Kim shared that the decision to end the show was made collectively by the family, though there were moments of hesitation and doubt. Ultimately, they recognized the importance of cherishing the memories and experiences they had shared over the years. One of the most emotional moments for Kim was breaking the news to the crew, who had become like family throughout the show’s run.

The final season, set against the backdrop of Lake Tahoe, served as a poignant farewell to the beloved series. Kim admitted that while she initially expected to feel more emotional during filming, it was the aftermath, particularly when receiving sentimental tokens like her original microphone from the early seasons, that truly moved her.At Home With Kim Kardashian - The End of An Era | Good Morning Vogue - YouTube

Reflecting on her evolution over the years, Kim acknowledged the profound impact the show had on her personal growth. From finding her voice to embracing motherhood, she expressed gratitude for the opportunity to share her journey with viewers and to witness her own development on screen.

As one of the pioneers of social media, Kim recognized the role it played in shaping her career and business ventures. She emphasized the importance of using social media as a tool for engagement and feedback, allowing her audience to feel invested in her projects and decisions.

One such project is Skims, Kim’s inclusive shapewear line, which has garnered praise from women of all ages and backgrounds. Kim explained that she was inspired to create Skims out of a desire to address a personal need and provide solutions for women like herself.

Despite her success, Kim emphasized that building a brand like Skims requires dedication and hard work behind the scenes. She recalled moments of validation, such as receiving praise from icons like Martha Stewart and Kathy Bates, which reaffirmed her belief in the brand’s potential.

Looking ahead, Kim remains committed to her entrepreneurial ventures while cherishing the memories and lessons learned from Keeping Up With the Kardashians. As she continues to evolve personally and professionally, she remains grateful for the platform that allowed her to connect with millions of viewers worldwide.