Tom Holland recently shared details about his first kiss with Zendaya, his co-star in the Spider-Man franchise. The actor revealed that he fell in love during the moment of their first on-screen kiss and described it as special. Holland expressed his admiration for Zendaya and highlighted their strong bond, both on and off-screen. The actor’s candid revelation has sparked excitement among fans and renewed interest in the rumored romantic relationship between the two stars. Despite being secretive about their personal lives, Holland’s comments have shed light on their close friendship and professional chemistry.

The revelation has fueled speculation and anticipation for future developments in their relationship, both on and off-screen. Overall, Tom Holland’s confession about falling in love during his first kiss with Zendaya has captured the hearts of fans and sparked a renewed fascination with their connection as co-stars.

The title of this article suggests that a particular photo is not edited and urges readers to examine it more closely. The photo in question is a behind-the-scenes snapshot from the television show M*A*S*H, which aired from 1972 to 1983. The show was set during the Korean War and depicted the lives of the doctors and staff of the 4077th Mobile Army Surgical Hospital.

The photo shows actor Jamie Farr, who portrayed Corporal Klinger on the show, sitting in a jeep alongside a crew member. At first glance, nothing seems out of the ordinary. However, upon closer inspection, a blooper can be spotted.

The crew member’s hand is visible in the photo, but instead of having five fingers like a normal human hand, it appears to have six.

This unusual detail sparked a debate among M*A*S*H fans on social media, with some speculating that the photo had been digitally altered. However, the article clarifies that the photo is indeed authentic and hasn’t been edited in any way.

The blooper was caused by a prosthetic hand that the crew member was wearing as part of a gag for the episode being filmed at the time. This detail was missed during the editing process, resulting in the inclusion of the blooper in the final cut of the episode.


In conclusion, the article emphasizes that the photo is not edited and invites readers to examine it carefully to spot the blooper. It highlights the debate among fans and explains the story behind the unusual detail, attributing it to an oversight during the editing process.