Kim is expressing her frustration about her friend’s perception of her appearance and lifestyle post-baby. She reminisces about feeling like a cool mom when her child, Mason, was younger, but now feels judged for not dressing up as much. She defends her preference for comfort over style, explaining that she feels best in casual attire. However, her friend seems to expect her to maintain a glamorous image even while caring for her children.

Kim’s friend’s comments suggest a lack of understanding about the realities of motherhood and the need for practicality in clothing choices. Kim counters this by highlighting the challenges of chasing after kids while wearing dresses and the importance of prioritizing comfort and functionality.

The conversation then shifts to Scott, Kim’s partner, and his efforts in therapy to improve their relationship. Despite some tension with Kim’s stepfather, Bruce, Scott’s commitment to personal growth is evident, and Kim expresses her support for him.

Later, Kim shares her approach to making homemade baby food for Mason, emphasizing the importance of using organic ingredients and avoiding processed foods. She takes pride in providing the best nutrition for her child and encourages others to do the same.

As the conversation continues, Kim and her friend discuss their plans for the day, including spending time with their children and indulging in some leisure activities. Despite the challenges of balancing work and family life, Kim values the opportunity to relax and recharge with her loved ones.

Overall, the conversation reflects Kim’s dedication to her family’s well-being and her determination to navigate the complexities of modern motherhood on her own terms. She prioritizes authenticity, practicality, and quality time with her loved ones, demonstrating her commitment to living a fulfilling and balanced life.