It seems like there’s quite a bit of drama brewing between Kim Kardashian and Courtney Kardashian, and it might go deeper than just sibling rivalry. The tension between them, fueled by Travis Barker’s past admiration for Kim, could be at the root of their ongoing feud.Kim and Kourtney Kardashian's MAJOR Feud (Travis Barker is SECRETLY in LOVE with Kim) - YouTube

Travis Barker’s memoir shed light on his feelings for Kim, which evidently caused discomfort for Courtney. The fact that Travis once expressed deep affection for Kim, coupled with Courtney’s insecurity about her sister potentially overshadowing her, could be contributing factors to their ongoing conflict.

While Travis insists that nothing happened between him and Kim, the emotional fallout from his crush on her seems to have had a lasting impact on Courtney. It’s understandable that Courtney would feel uneasy about marrying someone who had such strong feelings for her sister in the past.

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This situation adds a layer of complexity to their already tumultuous relationship, which has been fraught with public disagreements and clashes in the past. From Kim belittling Courtney’s appearance to their physical altercation captured on camera, it’s clear that their relationship has been strained for quite some time.

It’s possible that the E! network played a role in exacerbating their conflicts, as they likely knew how to push their buttons for dramatic effect. However, the underlying issues between Kim and Courtney seem to run much deeper than mere reality TV drama.

How Travis Barker Really Feels About Kourtney and Kim Kardashian's Alleged Feud Over Him

Ultimately, it’s up to Kim and Courtney to address their issues and find a way to move forward in their relationship. Whether they can overcome their differences remains to be seen, but it’s clear that their feud has captured the attention of many and shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon.