Eddie Murphy BACKS Monique Exposing Tyler Perry As A “Sleazy Scumbag”

Alright, folks, I got a big one for you today. You know how Tyler Perry hasn’t been able to keep his name out of the headlines?

First for blackballing Monique and basically forcing her to work for free, then for unjustly firing his writers, and then, to put the cherry on top, for putting dozens of black actors into dresses because according to him “it’s funny”.

Well, his track record finally seems to have caught up to him cuz comedy legend Eddie Murphy has called him out for the shit he’s been causing in the industry.

Not only did he back Monique in her claims of being treated unfairly, but he full-on revealed why he would never work on a project with Tyler.

You heard that right, he’s revealed the true reason why we’ve never seen him and Tyler working on the same movie despite being quote-unquote close friends.

He’s digging into Perry’s horrific behavior against the black community, his shady ties with Oprah, and, as a knight in shining armor should, he’s defending Monique against all the injustice she had to live through over the last decade.

Eddie Murphy BACKS Mo'Nique Exposing Tyler Perry As A "R4cist Scumbag" -  YouTube

In a film industry full of stories and dramas, Tyler Perry has become one of the prominent figures with his success and influence.

However, under the veneer of this success, there are secrets and scandals that Perry tries to keep hidden, but cannot avoid the attention of the public and media.

One of the biggest scandals Perry has faced was when Mo’Nique, a famous actress, accused him of bullying her and harming her career.

Mo’Nique asserted that Perry caused her major financial losses by spreading rumors and claiming that she was difficult to work with and unprofessional.

Additionally, Perry was accused of reacting aggressively to the writers and staff who worked for him, especially during screenwriter strikes.

There has been speculation about Perry’s relationship with Oprah Winfrey, with some speculating that they used their power and influence to control or dominate the careers of others.

However, these allegations have not been verified and should be approached with skepticism.

Additionally, there has been criticism of Perry’s use of images and stories of the black community in his films, with some arguing that he perpetuates and perpetuates stigmas and stereotypes. ants. Perry has also been criticized for how he treats his employees and labor relations issues.

In an industry where money and power are often considered more important than fairness and ethics, Tyler Perry’s career is a notable example.

However, scandals and suspicions about his behavior raise questions about the trustworthiness and honesty of one of the industry’s most famous people.