Recent pictures of Liam Neeson make people surprised by his haggard appearance.

Dailymail page just posted a photo of actor Liam Neeson while he was walking around SoHo, New York last Saturday.

The famous action movie star surprised many people with his shabby, old appearance in a series of photos, completely different from his strong image on screen.


Comments on the Dailymail page read: “I hope he is well”, “If I hadn’t read the news, I would never have thought it was Liam”, “He looks terrible, poor”, “He He looks so sad, maybe he will never forget the pain of losing his wife”…

However, Liam Neeson’s representative informed Dailymail that the 63-year-old star is still healthy. He just finished a movie and will shoot another movie next September.



Last month, Liam participated in an exhibition, the actor revealed that age is a sensitive topic for him: “My birthday is a sensitive topic.

I’m about to turn 63 years old, no one wants to be 63 years old! I’m getting old. What I want more than anything is for people to forget my birthday.



I hate it and it makes me feel weak. The day you were born, the day you were born coming out of your mother’s womb, it’s a private thing. There are people who charter ships and have grand birthday parties, but I’m ashamed of that kind of celebration and attention-grabbing.”


Having a successful career in Hollywood, Liam’s personal life experienced a traumatic event when his beloved wife – actress Natasha Richardson – passed away in 2009 after a skiing accident. After the incident, Natasha was brain dead and living a vegetative life.

Liam had to make the painful decision to remove the breathing tube so his wife could pass away peacefully.

After his wife passed away, Liam donated her organs. They have two sons: Micheál Richard Antonio and Daniel Jack.
