Elon Musk said based on his own experience, Taylor Swift will no longer be as famous as she is now after receiving the “Person of the Year” award.

“Congratulations. But there’s a risk that popularity will decrease after this award. I speak from my own experience,” the tech billionaire commented on Taylor Swift’s post after she was honored by Time, saying, with the word LOL, meaning “laugh out loud”.

Elon Musk (trái) và Taylor Swift trên bìa Tạp chí Time. Ảnh: Reuters/Time

Elon Musk (left) and Taylor Swift on the cover of Time. Photo: Reuters/Time

Elon Musk also received the title of “Person of the Year” in 2021, but then received backlash. Many people objected, criticized and gave a series of reasons why he did not deserve the award, such as the way he treated Tesla workers badly and avoided government regulations. “Let’s change the tax code so that the Person of the Year actually pays taxes and stops bullying others,” Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts mocked Musk at that time.

This year, Musk was also named in the 100 most influential people globally voted by Time and this is the fifth time he has been on the list. However, the profile describes him not in a positive light, even being described as “the world’s richest online prankster”.

“It’s a shame, because much of what he’s tried to do throughout his career has been bold and inspiring, especially compared to most other tech figures who have taken safer options, Although many of them are still just aspirations,” journalist Kara Swisher wrote. “Under erratic management, Twitter has become a platform of anger and resentment. He wastes too much time fiddling with a toxic violin on fire. That’s Musk 2023.”

Meanwhile, Taylor Swift became the first artist to be awarded the “Person of the Year” title. In previous years, the people honored were mainly men, active in the political and social fields. According to Time, 2023 is the period when Taylor Swift harmonizes both artistic and commercial elements, a source of positive light in a year filled with darkness due to war and division. After 17 years of artistic activities, the 33-year-old singer now has 10 albums and 12 Grammy awards.