Are we getting Kaidou’s cover story? It’s clear that Onigashima was moved to the bottom of the sea. Does this have anything to do with Kaidou?

Kaidou is the one who thought to be Joyboy, and King thought of him to be Joyboy. When Kaidou believes in this, or “younger Kaidou”, we see him smiling like a D… All the time.

– Has he something to do with the D?

– He seems to have been the “Gatekeeper” for Joyboy’s legacy in Wano.

What if, being Big Mom and him at the bottom of the volcano, when it erupts, Big Mom is thrown far away (probably Elbaf or any closer sky island), and Kaidou is thrown into the ocean.

He would die? No, he has the fish fish fruit model Azure Dragon. Can he actually breathe under water? Was Jack in Zou a foreshadowing of Kaidou’s “As under the sleeve”?

It would be cool to see Kaidou “smiling” when he meets Joyboy (Luffy), at the bottom of the ocean, in front of Pluton, looking at Pluton.

Later on, Kaidou may show up again, and it would be very cool, if he stops someone very strong from interfering in Luffy’s way: some World government dogs, Blackbeard, who will probably go to Wano to steal Pluton or whatever. Like: “Thunder Bagua!!!! Wororororororo! Joyboy keep going forward! I will take care of these fleas! Wororororo!” That would be so epic.

Basically, we see in Kaidou a person who is introduced jumping from a sky island, a person who is trying to die.Then in Wano we see him as a drunk, he seems to have been lost “hope” in him being Joyboy, hope that King still has… But what happened when he fought Luffy? He started smiling again. Smiling like when he was young, smiling like a D, like Roger, Oden etc…

It sounds crazy, but the change of expression has a lot to do with what happens to Kaidou, and it will make sense if he finds this OP “messiah” that he was seeking and then decides to aid him. Not a Kaidou for nakama, but something like Bartolomeo or BonClay could be… What an asset for the Grand Fleet if this happens!