‘One Piece’ Theory Reveals The Real Truth Behind The Void Century And The World Government.

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Over time, fans have created a number of speculations in an attempt to figure out what the ‘One Piece’ treasure might be.
While some of these explanations appear plausible, others are just too weird.
There is one such theory that says the World Government is actually from another planet and that the Void Century exposes this fact.

In anticipation of finding what the One Piece treasure is, fans have developed multiple theories over the years. While some think that the treasure is a weapon that will destroy the Red Line, some think it is a source of power that will make the finder the strongest man in the world. However, these theories are not limited to the One Piece treasure.

One Piece has entered it's final arc

Over the years Eiichiro Oda, the creator of One Piece, has introduced many mysteries in the series that are yet unanswered and fans have been trying to solve these mysteries for a long time. These mysteries can range from the origin of Devil Fruits to the secrets of Joy Boy. Among those mysteries, one of the biggest is of the Void Century.
The World Government forbids the study of the Void Century, a century-long absence in historical accounts and archaeological findings. It is stated that learning about the events of this era makes one aware of the truth about the past of the world because they are so significant and necessary for the conclusion of the story. However, a theory explains that the Void Century reveals the reality of the World Government and how they are from a different planet.

The One Piece Moon Theory

According to a theory put out on Quora by Atrik Das, the ancient civilization that Robin found in Shandora in the previous chapters was a civilization that lived on the moon and later came down from the moon to the Earth. The theory also states that these people were called Mooninites and they were technologically more advanced than Earth.

The moon people were however driven out of their homeland thousands of years ago by space pirates because of their great wealth and technological advantages. Nonetheless, a few of them and the Poneglyphs that preserved their past withstood the assault. They relocated to Earth and established a settlement here but they were eventually killed by the space pirates that pursued them.

The Several Moon in One Piece
The Several Moons in One Piece
The Space Pirates almost destroyed every one of those who came down from the moon to take control over their technology and they did this for almost one hundred years. The Void Century was the term later coined to describe this time frame and was removed from history. However, the theory also proves that the World Government is not from Earth.

The Void Century Reveals The Truth About The World Government

As previously stated, the theory explains how space pirates were responsible for forcing the Mooninites away from the moon and onto Earth. It further claims that the Space Pirates overthrew the world government and carried out a vast genocide in which they methodically exterminated every Mooninite on Earth.
The Civilization From Moon
The Moon Civilization
If the world had known about the genocide, it would have led to chaotic circumstances since it was so heinous and horrible. That’s why it’s forbidden to conduct studies on the void century or the Poneglyphs, which are created using Mooninite technology, as it may expose the people to the reality of the World Government.

This would explain why Eiichiro Oda introduced the civilization at the beginning of the series and then left the significant clues concerning a long-lost lunar civilization undiscovered or untouched for such a long time. It can be said that he might reveal all of it and connect it to the hint.