“I knew Steve had a lot to do with those legendary Neal Schon melodic solos.”

'Singing With Your Guitar Is Everything': Steve Lukather's Son Recalls Invaluable Guitar Advice From Journey's Steve Perry

There’s no denying the supreme instrumental or songwriting talents of Steve Lukather and Phil Collins. And it turns out that both of their sons, Trev Lukather and Nic Collins, have inherited their famous fathers’ gifts on their respective instruments, as evidenced by their newly-formed band, The Effect.Also featuring Toto’s Steve Maggiora on keyboards and newcomer Emmett Stang on vocals, the quartet has issued a pair of videos thus far, “Unwanted” and “Something Wrong,” and are eyeing the release of a full-length debut in the near future.While recently speaking with BraveWords, Trev Lukather recalled guitar-playing advice from none other than former Journey singer Steve Perry after the singer heard some of his band’s early tunes.

“Steve Perry has been a mentor to me since I was 20. We still talk all the time, and he gives me solid advice. He said to me when I was trying to shred at 21, ‘Stop! What do you want in the front row? Guys or girls?’ I laughed and replied, ‘Girls, of course.’ He said, ‘Stop doing that and play the front row licks. Singing with your guitar is everything.’ Hence, why Neal Schon was a huge influence growing up listening to those Journey records.”

Lukather also figures that Perry had a hand in what made the guitar solos from Neal Schon so great.

“After working with Perry on my last band Levara’s debut album, I knew Steve had a lot to do with those legendary Neal Schon melodic solos, but you also can’t deny the feel behind Neal’s performance, feel and tone.”

Lastly, Lukather admits that another Journey-man has proven crucial to the development of The Effects’ sound and approach, as well.

“Now, my father-in-law [Jonathan Cain] has been so supportive with the help of pushing this band forward, and one of the best songwriters ever, so I’m very lucky to have had great relationships with a lot of the artists that have influenced me through the years.”