Nicola Peltz is portrayed as a ‘nightmare bride’ in a new documentary about her bitter dispute with her wedding planners for her lavish 2022 nuptials.

The wife of Brooklyn Beckham subjected her wedding planners to the ‘group (text) chat from hell’, says Chris Lochery, the editor at gossip site Popbitch in upcoming documentary Peltz Beckhams vs The Planners, which is streaming on Max on Monday.

Lochery says that the wedding was ‘total carnage’ and that Nicola came out of the lawsuit looking ‘spoiled and entitled.’

Celebrity wedding planner Mark Niemierko says that Nicole Braghin and Arianna Grijalba, who took over the wedding, were handed a ‘hot mess’ when famed planner Preston Bailey stepped back.

He described Nicola, whose career as an actress peaked with Transformers 3, as a ‘very, very insecure individual who is insecure of their career.’

New documentary Peltz Beckhams vs The Planners delves into the behind-the-scenes drama of the 2022 wedding of Nicola Peltz and Brooklyn Beckham

New documentary Peltz Beckhams vs The Planners delves into the behind-the-scenes drama of the 2022 wedding of Nicola Peltz and Brooklyn Beckham

Wedding planners Arianna Grijalba and Nicole Braghin were contacted by the Peltz family in March 2022, six weeks before the wedding. They worked for the Peltz family for eight days before being told they weren't up to scratch

Wedding planners Arianna Grijalba and Nicole Braghin were contacted by the Peltz family in March 2022, six weeks before the wedding. They worked for the Peltz family for eight days before being told they weren’t up to scratch

Nelson Peltz sued Plan Design, Braghin and Grijalba's Miami-based wedding planning company several months after the event.In the lawsuit Peltz demanded his $159,000 deposit back and called their refusal to hand it over a 'good old fashioned shakedown'

Nelson Peltz sued Plan Design, Braghin and Grijalba’s Miami-based wedding planning company several months after the event.In the lawsuit Peltz demanded his $159,000 deposit back and called their refusal to hand it over a ‘good old fashioned shakedown’

The lawsuit ‘represented a mess of a family, forget the mess of planning a wedding,’ says Niemierko in the documentary.

The film revisits one of the most eye-popping celebrity feuds in recent years and is produced by Optomen, a UK-based film company, as part of their ‘Versus’ series about high profile disputes.

Nelson Peltz with son-in-law Brooklyn. Documents stated that Peltz was acting like a 'billionaire bully'


Nelson Peltz with son-in-law Brooklyn. Documents stated that Peltz was acting like a ‘billionaire bully’

Previous episodes have included Johnny Depp vs Amber Heard and Kanye West against Kim Kardashian.

The wedding took place in April 2022 in the Palm Beach, Florida, mansion of Nelson Peltz, Nicola’s billionaire investor father.

The three-day event attracted celebrities like Eva Longoria, Gordon Ramsay and Venus and Serena Williams, as well as David and Victoria Beckham, the father and mother of the bride.

The extravagant ceremony saw Brooklyn, 24, an influencer, marry Nicola, 28, an actor and model, with the official photos appearing in Vogue magazine.

Exclusive photographs from the time showed Nicola in her gorgeous custom-made Valentino gown which involved two trips to Rome and two US fittings.

But behind the scenes there were ugly tensions which came to the surface when Nelson Peltz sued Plan Design, Braghin and Grijalba’s Miami-based wedding planning company several months after the event.

They were fired after just eight days because, as was claimed in legal filings, they were incapable of doing the job and had ‘hoodwinked’ the Peltz family into thinking they could do it.

In the lawsuit Peltz demanded his $159,000 deposit back and called their refusal to hand it over a ‘good old fashioned shakedown.’

The wedding planners fired back with a counter lawsuit which revealed hundreds of texts of what they claimed showed unreasonable demands from the Peltz family.

The documents said that Peltz was acting like a ‘billionaire bully’ and that he became so frustrated with the chaotic planning he called the event a ‘s*** show’ and wanted to cancel it but his wife Claudia begged him not to as it would ‘destroy Nicola’s career.’

John Uustal, a celebrity trial attorney, says in the documentary that Nicola fired the wedding planners because ‘she was getting scared’ about the mess that was unfolding, which he calls a ‘slow moving train crash’.

Nicola appears to be getting frustrated with the wedding planners as her message ¿ in the blue bubbles ¿ says: 'Lewis Hamilton did NOT RSVP. So explain why his names on the list please. We spoke to him. He can't come so explain why you said he rsvpd yes.'

Nicola appears to be getting frustrated with the wedding planners as her message – in the blue bubbles – says: ‘Lewis Hamilton did NOT RSVP. So explain why his names on the list please. We spoke to him. He can’t come so explain why you said he rsvpd yes.’

The planner then responded  saying: 'I need time to do this. I'm going to take a moment to learn the app and send you the information, I hate looking like a fool but I hate the most not giving you what you need ASAP. I will be back soon.'

The planner then responded  saying: ‘I need time to do this. I’m going to take a moment to learn the app and send you the information, I hate looking like a fool but I hate the most not giving you what you need ASAP. I will be back soon.’

Texts between Nicola, Nelson and the wedding planners reveal Nicola's frustration that they couldn't manage the RVSP list

Texts between Nicola, Nelson and the wedding planners reveal Nicola’s frustration that they couldn’t manage the RVSP list

According to Uustal, $159,000 was nothing to Nelson Peltz and there had to be ‘more at stake here than money.’

He said: ‘The cost of lawyers – he’s going to spend more on lawyers then he’s going to get (from the deposit). I can guarantee it.

‘Reputation matters to someone like Nelson Peltz. On Wall Street he’s feared and if he can’t take care of a problem with a couple of wedding planners that’s going to affect his reputation and I suspect his business dealings.’

The documentary reveals that Plan Design was the second wedding planner hired by the Peltzes and a third had to be hired to complete the job after they were fired, the counter lawsuit states.

Mark Niemierko, a celebrity wedding planner who wasn’t involved in the event, says that Preston Bailey quitting as the first planner – Bailey claimed at the time he was ‘overcommitted’ on other jobs – was ‘one of the biggest red flags’.

Niemierko says: ‘For (Bailey) to walk away would be quite considerable. The wedding handed to them (the new planners) was a hot mess. A lot of alarm bells would have been ringing if I’d got that call.’

Among the messages included in the lawsuit are furious messages from Nicola about a fiasco with the guest list during which Lewis Hamilton, the Formula 1 race car driver, RSVPed but actually couldn’t come.

She texted: ‘lewis Hamilton did NOT RSVP. So explain why his names on the list please. We spoke to him. He can’t come so explain why you said he rsvpd yes.’

As the wedding planners implored Nicola to help them, she texted: ‘Can someone just send me a list of yeses PLEASE.’

Later Nicola wrote: ‘I don’t want it to be so complicated. I just want a list PLEASE.

‘I’ve repeated myself a lot. I don’t want an app or google doc. Just a text or email. Simple. Old school. That’s the way my mom and I like it!’

Nicola was obsessed with small details like the matching monogrammed silk pajamas she and Brooklyn were due to wear on their wedding night.

The lawsuit claims that the bill for Nicola’s hair and makeup was more than $100,000 but Nelson Peltz could not be told because he would ‘kill (Claudia, his wife), and be so mad.’

Exclusive photographs from the time showed Nicola in her gorgeous custom-made Valentino gown which involved two trips to Rome and two US fittings

Exclusive photographs from the time showed Nicola in her gorgeous custom-made Valentino gown which involved two trips to Rome and two US fittings

David and Victoria Beckham at Brooklyn and Nicola's wedding in Palm Beach in April last year

David and Victoria Beckham at Brooklyn and Nicola’s wedding in Palm Beach in April last year

Celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay and his family also attended the star-studded wedding

Celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay and his family also attended the star-studded wedding

In other messages Nicola demands that Preston Bailey be ‘cut off’, adding: ‘I hate them’ and ‘can we fire them yet.’

Referring to Yuda, who appears to be a member of staff working on the wedding, Nicola wrote:

‘He doesn’t work weekend (sic) and when the suns (sic) down he won’t work…Ya honestly he kinda sucks Truth be told.’

When Nicola is told one guest thinks they are flying on a private jet to the wedding, she replied: ‘UMM HAHAHA NO’.

Even Brooklyn could not escape Nicola’s anger.

While discussing the Beckham side of the guest list Nicola cut in and said: ‘I do not trust Brooklyn with this. He has no idea. And is guessing’.

None of the tensions could be revealed to Victoria Beckham, the lawsuit states – reports claimed at the time there was a feud between her and Nicola because the bride snubbed her offer of designing a wedding dress.

Niemierko says the texts that were included in the lawsuit ‘represented a mess of a family, forget the mess of planning a wedding’.

On Nicola he says: ‘She came across quite impatient, wasn’t getting what she wanted. From seeing the correspondence it represents a very, very insecure individual who is insecure of their career, where they are and I think that’s a shame’.

Chris Lochery says: ‘It seems like the group chat from hell. It’s awful. Just total carnage everywhere. Nicola comes across as a nightmare bride. Exactly the sort of person you don’t want having your phone number’.

The case continued with a trial expected next year and Nicola and other members of her family were due to be deposed.

But in September, both sides unexpectedly settled.

Wedding planner 1: Preston Bailey, the designer to the stars who planned Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump's wedding, stepped down in March 2022, six weeks before the wedding, in a 'mutual agreement' with Nelson and Nicola Peltz, according to the new court filings

Wedding planner #1: Preston Bailey, the designer to the stars who planned Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump’s wedding

Wedding planner #3: Michelle Ragos got the job done in the end - but charged the Peltz family an escalated fee because of the tight turn-around

Wedding planner #3: Michelle Ragos got the job done in the end – but charged the Peltz family an escalated fee because of the tight turn-around

In a joint statement both sides said: ‘The parties believe that this contract dispute should be resolved on the terms agreed.

‘As part of the settlement Plan Design will make a donation in the name of Nicola and Brooklyn to the CARE Ukraine Crisis Fund. Plan Design wishes Nicola and Brooklyn Peltz Beckham happiness and a fruitful life together’.

Florida lawyer Peter Tragos says that the ‘leverage of taking Nicola’s deposition and other family members made Nelson Peltz think twice’ about going ahead with the case, and that’s why he settled.

According to Niemierko the wedding planners have not suffered a reputation hit and ‘if anything they’re not on a lot more people’s radar’.

He says: ‘The reputational damage is to the Peltzs and in particular Nicola. The Beckhams certainty want this to go away as quickly as possible.’

Lochery says in the film: ‘I have no idea if Nicola Peltz spoke to (her father) ahead of filing this lawsuit but I have a feeling if he did there’s no way she would have agreed to it.

‘It makes them look petty and it makes them look entitled.

‘Now they look spoiled and are trying to sue hardworking women over $150,000, to try and ruin their reputations. It’s a horrible situation.’

More articles have been written about the wedding dispute than the actual wedding itself, Lochery says.

‘If Nelson Peltz understood the celebrity world he never would have done this,’ he tells the film.

Peltz Beckhams vs The Planners streams on Max from Monday in the US and Discovery+ in the UK.